Lit by Jade, Khai & Orlaith 10th April 2023
To the best man I ever did and will know! I love and miss you! Orlaith speaks about you often as I am sure you know! She always brings a photograph of you down when we have our girlie days or any special occasion that we have. I know you've been around me recently because I have felt you! And you stank my living room out of cigarettes! I am not quite sure where the years are gone. I hope you haven't looked at me today and thought I haven't missed you because I have, I'm trying to keep my spirits high as I am sure you are aware! I'm sure you have seen th tears that have fallen my face for you this evening! Till we meet again will seem like forever but each day is 1 step closer to seeing you again. No man will ever compare to the man I saw as my dad! You best getvwirking on that pool now because by the time you complete it we will all be there with you! I will hold confrot that you walk each day with me and Orlaith until then! I love you to the universe and back and don't worry we are looking after Gran! Xxxx
This candle went out on 11th April 2023.